
Directory Listings in SAS

There are these utilities that you seem to come across all the time, but I am yet to come across a function or procedure to simply list the contents of a directory. Among the different approaches, let’s look at a simple approach using a single DATA step.

SAS and Java revisited

SAS has had the ability to utilize and execute Java code from within a DATA step for quite some time, as far back as SAS 9.1. Early use was focused on computations, simulations, data streams and visualizations where it was more efficient to use packages, libraries and utilities other than SAS.

Where am I now?

A simple SAS macro library is usually quick and easy to create but the effort of debugging or just simple to unravel where in a chain of macros an issue occurs can be frustrating, unless SAS can tell you where you are and how you got there, which it can.